So, the new year has arrived, and now’s the time to move on from the boozy and bloaty holiday season (c’mon, are we the only one’s still gettin’ over Xmas lunch?!) and work towards those goals you set yourself for the year ahead. What better way to kick off 2023 than with an EPIC giveaway designed to support one lucky lady or gent on their journey to becoming a ‘STRONGER, HEALTHIER YOU’!
This January, we’re giving away not a week’s worth, not a month’s worth, but a YEAR’S SUPPLY OF HAPPY WAY PROTEIN POWDER to one very blessed individual who finds the lucky GREEN ticket waiting for them in their order—that’s 20 bags of your choosing, delivered straight to your happy door.
You heard right—all you gotta do is shop online during the first month of 2023, and if you find the winning ticket packed in your parcel, you’ll be on your way to Protein Paradise! And who says you can’t be smart and strategic about it… make multiple orders and increase your chances of walking away with the big prize!
Forget winning a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, this is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Start shopping for your chance to win, and read all the T&Cs here.
Good luck Happy Way-ers!