1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
    2. In a large mixing bowl, add pea protein, coconut flour, and baking powder. Stir to combine dry ingredients together. 
    3. In a separate bowl, mash your banana until smooth. Blending may make it too runny so I wouldn’t suggest this!
    4. Whisk through the egg, and pour these wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients. 
    5. Mix until fluffy and dough-like
    6. Using a spoon, deposit 3 even spoonfuls of batter onto a liner baking tray. Mould into a circular shape (note: you could probably bake these in a muffin tray but I didn’t think you that wisely at the time)
    7. Bake for 15-20 minutes, and allow to cool on a cooling rack to firm up before eating! OR pop them in the toaster and smother with PB and banana like me 🙋🏼

      English Muffin Recipe

      Serves: 3 English muffins
      Macros per muffin: 105 calories, 3F/12C/8P

      @betterbeingsteph x @happywayau