So you want to become a smoothie person, but there is a four-letter word stopping you, and that word is milk. Or should we be saying lactose?
When it comes to customer enquiries, one question always tops the list, and that question is- “Do I have to make my Happy Way protein powder with milk?” The short answer is no. The more complex answer will take you down a rabbit hole of equally delicious and healthy alternatives.
Whether you are lactose intolerant, don’t consume dairy for ethical reasons or you simply want to swap out your milk for a less calorie dense alternative, there are plenty of options on offer. So before you give up your Happy Way dream, get to know the liquid gold waiting to make its way into your smoothie recipes.


6 Alternatives to using milk in your smoothies (1)


Let’s start with the basics - water

If you are looking to give your digestive system a break by going on a trial separation with milk, boy do have good news for you (and bad news for your old mate lactose). The Happy Way protein powder range does not discriminate and can be mixed with water. In fact, water can be used as the liquid base for most of your favourite smoothie recipes. Now we know what you may be thinking and before you even ask, no you don’t need to kiss your creamy smoothies goodbye. Adding unflavoured tofu into your recipe will not only boost your overall protein intake, it will also help build a creamy consistency in place of milk.  An alternative to this is also adding half an avocado into your green smoothies.
When looking for a quick boost of energy and a healthy snack that will keep you full between your main meals, simply mix a scoop of your Happy Way protein powder with 200ml of water. All the taste without the added calories! No milk required.


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The lactose-free, creamy alternative – almond milk

Whether due to dietary requirements or a lifestyle choice, almond milk offers one of the closest alternatives to the creaminess of dairy-based liquids. For those looking to make a waistline-friendly smoothie, almond milk contains an average of 30-50 calories per serving compared to 150 calories found in a glass of full cream milk. When it comes to fat content, almond milk contains the kind of good fats you want to inject into your diets such as Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
Aside from stepping in to fill the shoes of its lactose sibling, almond milk is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, which we know is vital for healthy bones. It also offers a high dose of Vitamin A and E, which helps boost our immunity and protects our cells from damage.

One coffee and almond milk protein shake to go, thanks!


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The electrolytes king - coconut water

We like to call this one the all rounder. Low in calories and high in taste, coconut water offers a suitable liquid base alternative for almost all smoothie recipes. The benefits of using coconut water in your smoothies and protein shakes are endless. For those looking to manage their weight, coconut water is both cholesterol and fat-free and contains half the amount of calories as skim milk. Coconut water is also high in fibre meaning it will help keep you feeling fuller for longer without any added stress on your digestive system.

If you are looking to boost the hydrating benefits to your post workout protein shakes, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. This means it will help your body hydrate and recover after your gym session quicker while rebalancing your electrolytes which are crucial to managing water retention around our cells and nerves.


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The immunity booster – coconut milk

If you are looking for a creamier alternative to coconut water then coconut milk is the choice for you. Similar to almond milk, coconut milk provides a dairy-free, lactose-free, vegan alternative which is equally decedent and creamy in taste. While it may receive a bad rep for its fat content, by now we should know that not all fats are made equal. Packed full of medium-chain fatty acids, MCFA’s, coconut milk is shown to help boost your metabolism and aid in weight management. That is because unlike trans fats, MCFA’s are immediately converted into energy and not stored in the body as fat.

Aside from being waistline friendly, coconut milk is also a delicious immunity booster.  Packed full of lauric acid, antimicrobial lipids and capic acid, adding coconut milk to your smoothies is a great way to fight of infections and viruses during the cooler months. Lauric acid converts into monoluarin in the body which is an anti fungal and antibacterial compound shown to destroy a variety of disease causing organisms.


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For added antioxidants drink- maple water.

Now you may be thinking, what? But this is not a typo. Maple water is in fact one of the fastest growing drink alternatives on the market. So what is making this drink so popular? Despite the sweet flavour, it has no added sugar and provides plenty of added benefits. Aside from being low in calories, it is packed full of prebiotics, electrolytes, amino acids and antioxidants. So not only does maple water promote gut-health, it will also replenish your electrolyte stores and will help keep you hydrated during those longer gym sessions. It also packs a punch when it comes to fighting free radicals by offering a serious dose of manganese.

Where do we sign up?


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For an added dose of protein add - hemp milk

If you are looking for a plant based liquid for your smoothies then you can’t look past hemp milk. This nutrient-dense milk is packed full of healthy fats, vitamins and minerals and offers a suitable alternative for those suffering from nut allergies. Although slightly more calories dense than almond milk, containing around 85 calories per serving, it also contains a serious dose of protein. Each glass of hemp milk will offer an added 5 grams of protein to your most smoothie shake.

Happy Way vegan hemp protein powder + hemp milk = for a good time.


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