Mother’s Day is a time when we celebrate and show our gratitude for all the mothers in our lives.
It may be your own mum, the mums around you, or a mother figure—all of these women deserve to be acknowledged and applauded for taking on the toughest gig in the world!
We understand and recognise that this day is not a happy occasion for everyone, and there are many people who find this time very challenging and emotional—we hear you, and we support you.
This year at Happy Way, we’re opening up about the mums in our lives, giving you an insight into who they are, what they do, and just how much they mean to us. All the ladies in the Happy Way crew have opened up and shared their fondest memories of their Supermamas. We hope that it inspires you to share your thoughts and show your appreciation to those special women in your life too
Tell us about your mum…
My mum is an extremely generous, kind and caring person. She's a mum to three young women and is a hardworking woman who always wants the best for her family and children!
What's your relationship like with mum?
Our relationship isn't perfect but it's probably the best it's been now that I'm an adult. I've matured and I'm able to see things from her perspective and understand where she’s coming from a lot more now.
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
A special memory I have is going overseas back to my parent's home country, Vietnam. The meticulous planning and organisation that mum put into our family holidays, to ensure it would be the perfect experience for the rest of us, and watching her feel 'at home' as soon as we’d land in Vietnam is something that I’ll never forget.
Tell us something special you do together…
She teaches me how to make traditional Vietnamese food!
P.S. These recipes aren't simple!
Tell us something you love about mum…
I love how driven my mum is in every aspect of life. Whether it's her career, health, goals or family, she is always so motivated to do the best and be the best she can be which, in turn, motivates me!
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
She hates when I say it but her driving drives me insane and gives me a headache every time!
Tell us about your mum…
My mum is the strongest person I know! She is brave, positive and a real warrior! She’s not just a mum to me, but a dog mum to her Groodle, Gus! (who is the golden child if you ask me). She’s an absolute foodie (that’s where I get it from), a fashion guru and a complete ray of sunshine! My mum is one of those people who will have your back through anything, no questions asked. She is so loyal, nurturing and truly one of a kind!
What's your relationship like with mum?
She’s my best gal pal! The best way I can describe our relationship is we’re the real-life Gilmore girls—she’s the Lorelai to my Rory! Our bond is so strong that it would take a lot to break our little girl gang up. I tell her everything and she is my go-to person—from big life choices, to how long I should leave the leftovers in the fridge before they go bad!
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
When I was 14 I had major back surgery, and while that was a terrible time in my life, I have a vivid memory of my mum being there for me—reading my every thought, feeling and inkling. In my eyes, she was and still is a real-life superhero, and I don’t think I could’ve gotten through that time without her.
Tell us something special you do together…
We love our coffees and beach walks filled with chats about the big life stuff and even the small things like what we are binging on Netflix! I cherish these moments the most, even though they sound simple—it's just us!
Tell us something you love about mum…
I love her ability to make friends with anyone and everyone! She doesn’t judge, she spreads love and light wherever she goes and makes genuine connections with people. If you’re a friend of my mum, then you have a guardian angel in your corner!
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
THANK YOU! Thank you for the sacrifices you made for me growing up; thank you for encouraging me, for empowering me! Thank you to the one that has given me everything, who loves me unconditionally. You inspire me with your strength and gentle heart, and I hope you know I love you with all of mine! Thank you for being my mum.
Tell us about your mum…
My mum’s name is Claudia—she’s a very loving, spiritual and caring mother.
What’s your relationship like with mum?
We have a very close relationship and even though we live far away we talk almost every day. We’re very similar and she’s always a good listener.
Tell us something you love about mum…
I love how spiritual she is and how she always seeks to grow—it’s a quality that I admire and want to follow myself. I love all of the advice she gives and how talking to her always makes me feel better.
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
I want to let her know that I am so proud of her! I’m very grateful for everything she’s taught me and for always being there when I need her.
Tell us about your mum…
Mum is the sweetest and most selfless person I know. She’s always up for a chat, a hug and a coffee.
What's your relationship like with mum?
Mum and I have a great relationship. There’s constant love, support and laughing when we’re together or apart. She’s cheeky and sassy, which is great.
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
A couple of years ago, my sister and I surprised mum with a girl's trip to Bali—it was the best thing ever! She hadn’t been since she was in her 20’s. The highlight of the trip was seeing mum’s eyes light up at literally everything—it was super special.
Tell us something special you do together…
We love walking our pup Toby together and going to cafes for coffees or chai. She’s also my shopping buddy, so we make sure we get a shopping trip in when we’re together.
Tell us something you love about her…
I love how sweet and caring my mum is. Her caring and loving nature inspires me daily.
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
Thank you for the endless love that you supply us with. We’re all so lucky to have you in our lives.
Tell us about your mum…
My mum has been gone now for almost 7 years (can’t believe it’s that long already!) but she was and still is, the strongest woman I know. She had an elegance about her, was always caring, a fantastic cook, and was very witty with a sarcastic/dry sense of humour—must’ve been the English in her. She was a woman who lived for her kids, right up until the very end.
What's your relationship like with mum?
I had a very tight relationship with my mum—even though I lived away interstate and overseas until I came back when she was sick, she would always be the one I would call to share my stories, get advice, or just chat. I could tell her anything, there was no filter really. This is one of the things I miss the most since she’s been gone—the simple act of being able to pick up the phone and call mum. Even though she is not here physically anymore, she is with me spiritually every day and I feel her around me all the time—she leaves me lots of signs to let me know she’s here.
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
There are many really. I did ballet for many years and we shared a love for musicals etc so she and I would always go and see shows together. As morbid as it may sound to some, one of the most special memories I have is being with her, by her bedside, when she passed away. To be able to hold her hand and tell her goodbye and that I loved her is something I will treasure forever.
Tell us something special you do together…
Mum and I lived together, just us, before I moved interstate, and I loved just sitting on the couch with her, sharing a glass of Baileys or wine, and watching Sex and the City or a movie together. Even now when I rewatch episodes there are scenes that bring me back to that time—hearing mum’s distinct laugh and connecting over the hilarious dating antics of Carrie and the girls.
Tell us something you love about her…
I love her dry sense of humour, wit, and laugh—even though as kids we would be so embarrassed by it! I love that she was always there for her kids, unconditionally, and that she always wanted to protect us. She was so selfless and generous to everyone around her, and since she’s passed, it’s so special to hear stories from people about just how kind and giving she was.
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, miss you, or wish that you were here. I would give anything just to hear your voice, feel your hugs or spend the day together—having brunch, sharing conversations, just being together. You’re the strongest person I know and I hope you know how proud I am to be your daughter. It’s because of you that I’m the woman I am today, and even though you’re not here, you will forever be in my heart, coming along with me everywhere I go. I love you mum.
Tell us about your mum…
My mum is someone who will make everyone laugh. She has a witty, dry sense of humour and will make an effort with everyone she meets. She’s a typical Italian mum who wants everyone to feel welcome—she’ll feed you lots of pasta and will always put everyone else first.
What's your relationship like with mum?
I am super close with my mum. We have a fun and easy-going relationship and are always looking after one another. Sometimes I feel like I’m her mum!
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
Many moons ago I entered Miss World Australia and spent time away from my family for the finals. I was super nervous, home-sick and pretty exhausted as the days were long and we had to take part in so many competitions. I remember when my mum flew over to be there to support me and I will never forget how happy I was at that moment to see her. She’s always been my biggest supporter and someone I can always count on, and I will always remember the happiness I felt that moment when I saw her. She was so proud of me and when I was on stage and saw her smiling face out in the crowd, it made me feel calm and that everything was going to be ok.
Tell us something special you do together…
We go for walks together and it’s a nice time for us to catch up and chat about life.
Tell us something you love about her…
I love how witty she is. I love how much she cares for everyone. I love how dedicated she is to her family. I love her loud laugh. I love everything about her.
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
You’re doing an incredible job! You’re so appreciated and loved by everyone and we value all the hard work and effort you put into caring for us all. I love that you’re my best friend and will always have my back.
Tell us about your mum…
Mum is super thoughtful and such a caring person. She’s always the first one to drop everything she’s doing to help someone else out—even when she’s often doing a million things at once herself. Mum’s so passionate about everything she does and is extremely creative being a florist. She loves anything hands-on and you’ll never find her sitting still for long!
What's your relationship like with mum?
Growing up as the only daughter alongside my dad and two brothers created a very special bond between us as the only females in the family. Mum and I have always had a special relationship and are super close. She’s always someone I can go to for advice and is very supportive of any decision I make. Even though she lives 5 hours away, I know she’s always there for me and never feels too far away.
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
We like to make the effort to see live musicals together including Wicked, The Lion King and Grease. We have also been to see Fleetwood Mac and Adele live, and I cherish these special experiences and memories together.
Tell us something special you do together…
Before covid, Mum and I would do annual trips to Melbourne, just the two of us, which was always so nice spending quality time together. We would go shopping, out for food, to homeware/fashion expos and to any live musicals that were on at the time. We are due for another trip very soon!
Tell us something you love about her…
I love that Mum is such a go-getter—she never holds back and will always give something new a go. I’m so grateful that she has this mentality as it’s always encouraged me to do things outside of my comfort zone, even though I am more hesitant to do so than she is. This has made me focus on doing things I love throughout my life, rather than sticking to the norm. She’s also the calmest person I have ever known—nothing much phases her and she takes each day as it comes, and this has always inspired me.
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
Just to remind her that I love her so much and I probably don’t tell her enough! She’s the most important role model to me and I’m so grateful to have her as a positive influence in my life. Thank you for being you—love you Mum!
Tell us about your mum…
My mum is beautiful! She is a very happy, bubbly person filled with compassion and generosity. She is a woman of many talents and is always conquering new things.
What's your relationship like with mum?
My mum is my best friend! She’s the person I go to with all my worries and all my little wins. I would be lost without my mum's daily phone calls, support and love.
Share a special memory you have with your mum…
A special/funny memory I have with my mum is having one too many drinks in Rome for her birthday! We had major regrets the next day when we had to catch a bus to the airport, to then catch a taxi to the ferry which took us to a small island where we had to bus it to the top of the mountain. Luckily there was a delicious dinner and birthday cake waiting for us at the top! We always have a good laugh looking back at that now.
Tell us something special you do together…
It doesn’t sound all that special but our ‘thing’ that we do together is shop! Even if we don’t buy anything, just going to the shops, walking around and talking with a takeaway coffee is special.
Tell us something you love about her…
I love lots of things about her! The thing I love the most about my Mum is her positivity and how much she cares for everyone around her. No matter the situation, Mum will always play devil's advocate and try to find the light in everything and everyone.
Oh, she also makes THE BEST eggplant moussaka which I love to eat!
Tell us something you want her to know—it can be something heartfelt, something funny, a secret, whatever you like!
I just want her to know I love her so much and I'm incredibly lucky to have her as my Mum! Sometimes when you're going through things you take it out on the people closest to you which I know I can do to my Mum. I hope she knows she really is my best friend and I’d be lost without her.
Sending love and light this Mother’s Day—love, Happy Way xx